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  30. \title{M-x recipes}
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  48. \section{Breakfast}
  49. \label{sec:org65f6feb}
  50. \subsection{Angel Biscuits}
  51. \label{sec:org1445815}
  52. source: postcard, servings: 30-35 biscuits, prep-time: 10 mins, cook-time: 16-18 mins
  53. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  54. \label{sec:org36848f8}
  55. \begin{itemize}
  56. \item 5 cups all purpose flour
  57. \item 3T sugar
  58. \item 1t salt
  59. \item 1t baking soda
  60. \item 3t baking powder
  61. \item 2 packs active yeast
  62. \item 1/2 cup warm water
  63. \item 3/4 cup butter
  64. \item 2 cups buttermilk
  65. \end{itemize}
  66. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  67. \label{sec:orgfc15d9f}
  68. \begin{enumerate}
  69. \item Preheat oven to 375F.
  70. \item Mix dry ingredients together.
  71. \item Cut in shortening with pastry blender.
  72. \item Add buttermilk
  73. \item Dissolve yeast in warm water in smaller bowl, then add to flour mixture.
  74. \item Blend together and knead on floured surface.
  75. \item Roll out dough to 3/4" thickness, cut biscuits and put on baking sheet
  76. \item Bake 16-18 minutes until golden on top with cooked centers.
  77. \end{enumerate}
  78. \subsection{Bacon Gravy}
  79. \label{sec:orgf2c8e81}
  80. source: \url{}, servings: 5, prep-time: 10 mins, cook-time: 15 mins
  81. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  82. \label{sec:org6d453a4}
  83. \begin{itemize}
  84. \item 4 thick slices bacon
  85. \item 1 cup milk, or as needed
  86. \item 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  87. \item salt and pepper to taste
  88. \end{itemize}
  89. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  90. \label{sec:org94dca52}
  91. \begin{enumerate}
  92. \item Cook the bacon in a deep skillet over medium heat until crisp, about 10 minutes.
  93. \item Remove bacon to a paper towel lined plate and keep the grease in the pan.
  94. \item Gradually stir in the flour so that no lumps form, then mix in the milk, continuing to cook and stir until thickened.
  95. \item Crumble the bacon into the gravy and season with salt and pepper before serving.
  96. \end{enumerate}
  97. \subsection{Cinnamon Rolls}
  98. \label{sec:orge730792}
  99. source: \url{}
  100. \subsubsection*{Dough}
  101. \label{sec:org1d54241}
  102. \begin{itemize}
  103. \item 4 large eggs
  104. \item 3/4 cup granulated sugar (6 ounces)
  105. \item 1 teaspoon fine salt
  106. \item 2 cups lukewarm milk
  107. \item 1/2 cup (4 ounces) butter, at room temperature
  108. \item 8 cups all-purpose flour, divided
  109. \item 2 tablespoons active dry yeast
  110. \item Oil, for brushing
  111. \end{itemize}
  112. \subsubsection*{Filling}
  113. \label{sec:orgf7a258a}
  114. \begin{itemize}
  115. \item 2 cups packed brown sugar
  116. \item 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  117. \item 1/2 cup butter room temp
  118. \end{itemize}
  119. \subsubsection*{Frosting}
  120. \label{sec:org6feb3fa}
  121. \begin{itemize}
  122. \item 1/4 cup butter, softened
  123. \item 4oz cream cheese, softened
  124. \item 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  125. \item 1/8 teaspoon salt
  126. \item 1 1/2 teaspoons milk
  127. \item 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
  128. \end{itemize}
  129. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  130. \label{sec:orgff417c9}
  131. \begin{enumerate}
  132. \item Beat eggs, sugar, and salt together. Add warm milk, yeast, and butter. Slowly add 6 cups of flour, then add more until the consistency is right. Knead in mixer 7 minutes on medium speed.
  133. \item Form ball with dough and move to greased bowl, then cover to rise for an hour.
  134. \item Preheat oven to 350F. Spread dough into 1.5x2ft rectangle. Spread butter on dough then cover with brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll up and cut into slices with kitchen shears. Bake in pan for around 15 minutes, then cool.
  135. \item For icing, whisk together softened butter, cream cheese, vanilla, salt, and milk. Slowly whisk in powdered sugar.
  136. \end{enumerate}
  137. \subsection{Crepes}
  138. \label{sec:org61466bd}
  139. source: \url{}, servings: 12, prep-time: 10 minutes, ready-in: 35 minutes
  140. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  141. \label{sec:orgc51865d}
  142. \begin{itemize}
  143. \item 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  144. \item 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  145. \item 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  146. \item 1/2 teaspoon salt
  147. \item 2 cups milk
  148. \item 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  149. \item 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  150. \item 2 eggs
  151. \end{itemize}
  152. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  153. \label{sec:org1f4a93e}
  154. \begin{enumerate}
  155. \item Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in bowl. Stir in milk, 2 tablespoons butter, vanilla, and eggs. Beat with whisk until smooth.
  156. \item Butter pan and heat until bubbly. Pour on enough batter to lightly cover the bottom, and cook until light brown before carefully flipping.
  157. \end{enumerate}
  158. \subsection{Dutch Baby}
  159. \label{sec:org328fc2b}
  160. source: \url{}, ready-in: 40 minutes
  161. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  162. \label{sec:orgd1244a0}
  163. \begin{itemize}
  164. \item 3 eggs
  165. \item 1/2 cup flour
  166. \item 1/2 cup milk
  167. \item 1 tablespoon sugar
  168. \item Pinch of nutmeg
  169. \item 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  170. \item Syrup, preserves, confectioners' sugar or cinnamon sugar
  171. \end{itemize}
  172. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  173. \label{sec:org6aef5cc}
  174. \begin{enumerate}
  175. \item Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  176. \item Whisk eggs, flour, milk, sugar and nutmeg until smooth.
  177. \item Place butter in a heavy 10-inch skillet or baking dish and place in the oven. As soon as the butter has melted, add the batter to the pan, return pan to the oven and bake for 20 minutes, until the pancake is puffed and golden. Lower oven temperature to 300 degrees and bake five minutes longer.
  178. \item Remove pancake from oven, cut into wedges
  179. \end{enumerate}
  180. \newpage
  181. \subsection{Eggs Benedict}
  182. \label{sec:orgfc16d5e}
  183. source: \url{}, servings: 4, prep-time: 25 mins, cook-time: 5 mins
  184. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  185. \label{sec:org86ed498}
  186. \begin{itemize}
  187. \item 4 egg yolks
  188. \item 3 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
  189. \item 1 pinch ground white pepper
  190. \item 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  191. \item 1 tablespoon water
  192. \item 1 cup butter, melted
  193. \item 1/4 teaspoon salt
  194. \item 8 eggs
  195. \item 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
  196. \item 8 strips Canadian-style bacon
  197. \item 4 English muffins, split
  198. \item 2 tablespoons butter, softened
  199. \end{itemize}
  200. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  201. \label{sec:orgd6b65df}
  202. \begin{enumerate}
  203. \item Fill double boiler part way with water and bring to a gentle simmer. In top of double boiler, whisk together egg yolks, lemon juice, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and 1 tablespoon water.
  204. \item Slowly add melted butter to sauce while whisking constantly. Add more water if it starts to get too thick. Once butter is incorporated, whisk in salt and remove from heat. Cover to keep warm.
  205. \item Fill a large saucepan with 3 inches of water. Bring water to a gentle simmer and add vinegar. Swirl the water to form a vortex, and crack eggs into the water carefully. Cook eggs until the whites are solid with a soft yolk, then remove and set on a plate.
  206. \item Cook bacon in a pan and toast english muffins.
  207. \item Spread butter on muffins, add bacon, egg, and sauce.
  208. \end{enumerate}
  209. \subsection{Pancakes}
  210. \label{sec:orga79356e}
  211. source: \url{}, servings: 9, prep-time: 15 minutes, ready-in: 15 minutes
  212. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  213. \label{sec:org3056fd0}
  214. \begin{itemize}
  215. \item 1 egg
  216. \item 1 cup all-purpose flour or whole wheat flour
  217. \item 1 tablespoon sugar
  218. \item 3 teaspoons baking powder
  219. \item 1/4 teaspoon salt
  220. \item 3/4 cup milk
  221. \item 2 tablespoons vegetable oil or melted butter
  222. \end{itemize}
  223. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  224. \label{sec:orgb38ee08}
  225. \begin{enumerate}
  226. \item Beat egg with whisk until fluffy. Stir in remaining ingredients until batter is slightly lumpy.
  227. \item Heat pan over medium-high heat, melt butter once warm.
  228. \item Pour batter in and cook until bubbly on top and dry on the edges before flipping. Cook other side until golden brown.
  229. \end{enumerate}
  230. \section{Canning}
  231. \label{sec:orgffc38ee}
  232. \subsection{Coffee Jelly}
  233. \label{sec:org7e99823}
  234. source: \url{}, servings: 5-6 8oz jars
  235. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  236. \label{sec:orgc4b2d79}
  237. \begin{itemize}
  238. \item 4 cups VERY strongly brewed coffee preferably a darker roast
  239. \item 1/4 cup lemon juice
  240. \item 5 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  241. \item 1 1/3 cups Dutch gel pectin
  242. \item 5 to 6 jelly jars with new two-piece lids. 8 ounce
  243. \end{itemize}
  244. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  245. \label{sec:orgbd96584}
  246. \begin{enumerate}
  247. \item Stir coffee and lemon juice together and boil at high heat.
  248. \item Mix sugar and pectin in another bowl.
  249. \item Whisk in sugar and pectin, bring to a rolling boil for 1 minute.
  250. \item Ladle into sterilized jars and boil for 10 minutes.
  251. \end{enumerate}
  252. \subsection{Dill Pickles}
  253. \label{sec:org72c38db}
  254. source: \url{}, servings: 9 quarts., prep-time: 50 minutes, cook-time: 15 minutes, ready-in: 1 hour, 5 minutes
  255. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  256. \label{sec:org3cc0463}
  257. \begin{itemize}
  258. \item 11 cups water
  259. \item 5 cups white vinegar
  260. \item 1 cup canning salt
  261. \item 12 pounds pickling cucumbers, quartered or halved lengthwise
  262. \item 9 dill sprigs or heads
  263. \item 18 garlic cloves
  264. \item 18 dried hot chilies
  265. \end{itemize}
  266. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  267. \label{sec:org5dadd07}
  268. \begin{enumerate}
  269. \item In a stockpot, bring water, vinegar and salt to a boil; boil 10 minutes.
  270. \item Pack cucumbers into nine hot quart jars within 1/2 in. of top.
  271. \item Place one dill head, two garlic cloves and two peppers in each jar.
  272. \item Carefully ladle hot mixture into jars, leaving 1/2-in. headspace.
  273. \item Remove air bubbles and adjust headspace, if necessary, by adding hot mixture. Wipe rims. Center lids on jars; screw on bands until fingertip tight.
  274. \item Place jars into canner with simmering water, ensuring that they are completely covered with water. Bring to a boil; process for 15 minutes. Remove jars and cool.
  275. \end{enumerate}
  276. \subsection{Habanero Jam}
  277. \label{sec:org451f8a5}
  278. source: \url{}
  279. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  280. \label{sec:orgd1d1ab9}
  281. \begin{itemize}
  282. \item 1/2 pound habanero peppers chopped
  283. \item 4 cups granulated sugar
  284. \item 1 1/4 cups cider vinegar
  285. \item 1/4 cup lemon juice
  286. \item 1 teaspoon salt
  287. \item 3 ounces liquid fruit pectin
  288. \item 4 drops food coloring if preferred
  289. \end{itemize}
  290. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  291. \label{sec:org794fa6c}
  292. \begin{enumerate}
  293. \item Add the habanero peppers to a food processor and pulse them until they are very finely chopped. Do not overdo it or you’ll wind up with a puree.
  294. \item Scoop out the peppers and add to a large pan.
  295. \item Add sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, and salt.
  296. \item Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  297. \item Return heat to high and bring mixture to a rolling boil. Stir in pectin and boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
  298. \item If using food coloring, add it now and stir.
  299. \item Ladle jam into sterilized jars and cover.
  300. \item Process jars in a boiling hot water bath for 10 minutes.
  301. \item Remove and let cool overnight.
  302. \end{enumerate}
  303. \newpage
  304. \subsection{Homemade Ketchup}
  305. \label{sec:orgee8d9ef}
  306. source: \url{}
  307. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  308. \label{sec:org2a9fae7}
  309. \begin{itemize}
  310. \item 4 quarts tomato puree or chopped tomatoes 
  311. \item 1 cup chopped onion 
  312. \item 1/2 cup chopped sweet pepper, or jalapeños for spicy ketchup
  313. \item 1 1/2 cups vinegar 
  314. \item 1 Tbsp. canning salt 
  315. \item 1/4 tsp. ground allspice 
  316. \item 1 stick cinnamon 
  317. \item 3/4 cup sugar 
  318. \end{itemize}
  319. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  320. \label{sec:orgf74f0f9}
  321. \begin{enumerate}
  322. \item Prepare jars and start heating boiling water bath.
  323. \item Blend tomatoes, onions, and peppers and add to large pot.
  324. \item Heat to a boil until thickened.
  325. \item Add vinegar, salt, sugar, and other seasonings.
  326. \item Cook again and thicken.
  327. \item Pour into sterile jars, leaving 1/4" headspace.
  328. \item Clean rims and steal with lids, boil in canner for 10 minutes.
  329. \end{enumerate}
  330. \subsection{Homemade Sriracha}
  331. \label{sec:org9e1d849}
  332. source: \url{}
  333. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  334. \label{sec:org2edc6ce}
  335. \begin{itemize}
  336. \item 1 pound peppers (Choose carefully for color and heat.)
  337. \item 2 heads of garlic
  338. \item 2 1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
  339. \item 2 tablespoons sugar or honey
  340. \item 1 tablespoon sea salt
  341. \end{itemize}
  342. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  343. \label{sec:org6fe48fa}
  344. \begin{enumerate}
  345. \item Wash the peppers and spread them out to dry.
  346. \item Cut off the pepper tops and discard.
  347. \item Slice the peppers in half. Remove and discard the seeds and membranes.
  348. \item Peel and mince the garlic cloves.
  349. \item Pour the vinegar, sugar and salt into a non-reactive container. I used a glass gallon jar for this. Mix until the sugar and salt have dissolved into the vinegar.
  350. \item Add th peppers and garlic to the vinegar mix. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  351. \item This next day strain the garlic and chilis from the vinegar. Strain the vinegar into a large saucepan.
  352. \item Cook the vinegar until it is reduced by half.
  353. \item Add the strained peppers and garlic to the reduced vinegar and continue cooking until the peppers and garlic are completely soft, cooked through.
  354. \item Blend the cooked sauce in a food processor. Careful! This sauce is hot in more ways than one.
  355. \item Return the blended Sriracha to the sauce pan and keep it at a low simmer while canning it.
  356. \end{enumerate}
  357. \subsection{Jalapeño Jam}
  358. \label{sec:org42e2c9c}
  359. source: \url{}, servings: 32, prep-time: 20 mins, cook-time: 45 mins
  360. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  361. \label{sec:org50f79e9}
  362. \begin{itemize}
  363. \item 1 large green bell pepper
  364. \item 12 jalapeño peppers
  365. \item 1- 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
  366. \item 1 pinch salt
  367. \item 4- 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  368. \item 4 ounces liquid pectin
  369. \item 4 jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped
  370. \end{itemize}
  371. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  372. \label{sec:org90c10fd}
  373. \begin{enumerate}
  374. \item Blend peppers together until finely chopped. Add vinegar to help blending.
  375. \item Stir peppers in large saucepan with cider vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  376. \item Add sugar and bring to a rolling boil. Stir in pectin and boil for 1 minute.
  377. \item Ladle into sterile jars and boil for 10 minutes.
  378. \end{enumerate}
  379. \subsection{Pickled Jalapeño Peppers}
  380. \label{sec:org342098a}
  381. source: \url{}, servings: 3x 16oz jars, prep-time: 20 minutes, cook-time: 15 minutes
  382. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  383. \label{sec:org594989f}
  384. \begin{itemize}
  385. \item 1 1/2 lbs (675g) Jalapeño Peppers
  386. \item 2 C (530g) Water
  387. \item 2 C (515g) Distilled White Vinegar
  388. \item 2 Tbs Fine Sea Salt
  389. \item 2 Tbs Cane Sugar
  390. \item 2 Fat Cloves of Garlic minced
  391. \end{itemize}
  392. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  393. \label{sec:org3819807}
  394. \begin{enumerate}
  395. \item Sterilize three 16oz jars and lids in a boiling water bath.
  396. \item Wash peppers and cut into rings.
  397. \item Bring vinegar, water, salt, and sugar to a boil. Add peppers and garlic to vinegar water, then stir and remove from heat. Allow peppers to sit in the brine for 15 mintues. They will turn a duller shade of green.
  398. \item Pack peppers into jars fairly tight and pour brine over them. Leave 1/2" headroom over peppers.
  399. \item To seal jars:
  400. \begin{enumerate}
  401. \item Bring large pot to a boil, there should be enough water to cover top of jars with an inch of water.
  402. \item Lid peppers and gently tighten rings on jars.
  403. \item Boil jars for 10 minutes.
  404. \item Dry off jars and set aside to cool.
  405. \end{enumerate}
  406. \item If not sealing, just put in the refrigerator, and they will be ready in 24 hours. They will stay good for several months.
  407. \end{enumerate}
  408. \subsection{Strawberry Jalapeño Jam}
  409. \label{sec:org8d57b8e}
  410. source: \url{}, servings: 8 half pints approx, prep-time: 40 minutes, cook-time: 20 minutes, ready-in: 1 hour
  411. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  412. \label{sec:org8350f5c}
  413. \begin{itemize}
  414. \item 4 cups crushed strawberries (discard stems and leaves), or 4 cups blended pears for pear jalapeño jam
  415. \item 1 cup jalapeño pepper (processed in food processer)
  416. \item 1/4 cup lemon juice
  417. \item 1 (1 3/4 ounce) package powdered fruit pectin
  418. \item 7 cups granulated sugar (yes this is the right amount\ldots{}it's jelly!)
  419. \end{itemize}
  420. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  421. \label{sec:orgf6cbfaf}
  422. \begin{enumerate}
  423. \item Sterilize 8 half pint canning jars.
  424. \item Place crushed strawberries, processed jalapenos, lemon juice, and pectin in a large pot.
  425. \item Stir in sugar while stirring over heat. Bring to a rolling boil and keep for 1 minute before removing from heat.
  426. \item Fill jars with jam and process in hot water bath.
  427. \end{enumerate}
  428. \section{Desserts}
  429. \label{sec:orgd8c84a7}
  430. \subsection{Apple Crumble}
  431. \label{sec:org01f9e4f}
  432. source: work CSA
  433. \subsubsection*{Filling}
  434. \label{sec:org1215519}
  435. \begin{itemize}
  436. \item 2 lbs. Apples
  437. \item 1 tbsp. flour
  438. \item 1/2 cup white sugar
  439. \item 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  440. \item 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  441. \end{itemize}
  442. \subsubsection*{Topping}
  443. \label{sec:org862ff92}
  444. \begin{itemize}
  445. \item 1 cup rolled oats
  446. \item 1 cup flour
  447. \item 1 cup brown sugar
  448. \item 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  449. \item 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  450. \item 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  451. \item Pinch of salt
  452. \end{itemize}
  453. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  454. \label{sec:org2b0b42b}
  455. \begin{enumerate}
  456. \item Preheat oven to 350F
  457. \item Peel, core, and slice apples into 1/2 inch chunks.
  458. \item In a large bowl, combine apples with sugar, flour, lemon juice, and cinnamon.
  459. \item Place topping ingredients in bowl, mix until clumps form.
  460. \item Place apples in large baking pan and cover with topping.
  461. \item Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and let stand for 10 minutes to set.
  462. \end{enumerate}
  463. \subsection{Berry Pie}
  464. \label{sec:orga861494}
  465. source: \url{}, servings: 1 pie, prep-time: 20 mins, cook-time: 10 mins, ready-in: 1hr 30 mins
  466. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  467. \label{sec:org2307cf5}
  468. \begin{itemize}
  469. \item 1/2 cup water
  470. \item 4 cups fresh berries, divided
  471. \item 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  472. \item 1/4 cup cold water
  473. \item 1/2cup white sugar
  474. \item 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  475. \item 1 (9 inch) baked pie crust
  476. \item 1 cup whipped cream for garnish
  477. \item 1 teaspoon lemon zest for garnish
  478. \end{itemize}
  479. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  480. \label{sec:orgce840ca}
  481. \begin{enumerate}
  482. \item Heat 1 cup berries and 1/2 cup water in a saucepan over medium heat; cook and stir until berries soften, about 5 minutes.
  483. \item Stir cornstarch and 1/4 cup cold water in a bowl until dissolved and stir into mashed berries; add sugar.
  484. \item Heat berry mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir in lemon juice. Allow berry sauce to cool to room temperature.
  485. \item Line the prepared pie crust with remaining 3 cups berries. Pour berry sauce over berries and chill until set. Serve garnished with whipped cream and lemon zest.
  486. \end{enumerate}
  487. \subsection{Boston Cream Donuts}
  488. \label{sec:orgc1ef35d}
  489. source: \url{}, servings: 12-20 Donuts, ready-in: About 3 hours, mostly unattended
  490. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  491. \label{sec:orge6ce999}
  492. \begin{itemize}
  493. \item 1 1/2 cups milk
  494. \item 2 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
  495. \item 2 eggs
  496. \item 8 tablespoons (1 stick) butter
  497. \item 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  498. \item 1 teaspoon salt
  499. \item 4 1/2 cups flour
  500. \item 2 quarts neutral oil
  501. \end{itemize}
  502. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  503. \label{sec:org6686f95}
  504. \begin{enumerate}
  505. \item Warm milk to \textasciitilde{}90F, combine with yeast and sugar in a bowl. Stir and let sit until foamy.
  506. \item Beat eggs, butter, and salt into yeast mixture. Slowly add flour and beat with dough hook. Once the dough forms a ball, knead on a floured surface. Transfer to a greased bowl, cover and let rise for 1 hour.
  507. \item Roll dough to 1/2 inch on a floured surface. Cut to shape with a glass. Knead scraps together and repeat.
  508. \item Transfer to floured baking sheets and cover to rise, leave room between them. If the kitchen isn't warm enough, warm oven slightly to rise for another 45 minutes.
  509. \item Start heating oil to 375F 15 minutes before rising finishes. Prepare cooling rack or paper towels.
  510. \item Add donuts to oil in batches. Cook until golden and remove to rack.
  511. \item For cream filling
  512. \begin{enumerate}
  513. \item combine 2/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons cornstarch and a pinch of salt in a small saucepan.
  514. \item Over medium heat, whisk in 2 eggs and 2 cups cream. Continue cooking, whisking almost constantly, until the mixture just begins to boil and thickens, about 10 minutes. Adjust the heat so the mixture bubbles gently; cook until it coats the back of a spoon (when you draw your finger through this coating, the resulting line should hold its shape).
  515. \item Stir in 2 tablespoons softened unsalted butter and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve, and cool to room temperature before using.
  516. \end{enumerate}
  517. \item Fill donuts with pastry bag. You can make a cavity inside using a chopstick.
  518. \item For the glaze
  519. \begin{enumerate}
  520. \item whisk together 1 3/4 cups powdered sugar, 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 cup milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla until smooth.
  521. \item Dip the tops of the donuts in the glaze, and let it harden on a rack.
  522. \end{enumerate}
  523. \end{enumerate}
  524. \subsection{Butter Flaky Pie Crust}
  525. \label{sec:org5b2c8c3}
  526. source: \url{}
  527. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  528. \label{sec:org03e43c2}
  529. \begin{itemize}
  530. \item 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  531. \item 1/4 teaspoon salt
  532. \item 1/2 cup butter, chilled and diced
  533. \item 1/4 cup ice water
  534. \end{itemize}
  535. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  536. \label{sec:org41bf138}
  537. \begin{enumerate}
  538. \item In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in water, a tablespoon at a time, until mixture forms a ball. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
  539. \item Roll dough out to fit a 9 inch pie plate. Place crust in pie plate. Press the dough evenly into the bottom and sides of the pie plate.
  540. \end{enumerate}
  541. \newpage
  542. \subsection{Chocolate Chip Cookies}
  543. \label{sec:orgebf2467}
  544. source: \url{}, servings: 48, prep-time: 15 minutes, ready-in: 1 hour, 30 minutes
  545. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  546. \label{sec:orgd0c4f24}
  547. \begin{itemize}
  548. \item 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  549. \item 1 teaspoon baking soda
  550. \item 1/2 teaspoon salt
  551. \item 1 cup butter, softened
  552. \item 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  553. \item 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  554. \item 1 egg
  555. \item 1 teaspoon vanilla
  556. \item 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  557. \item 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts, if desired
  558. \end{itemize}
  559. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  560. \label{sec:orgbf07c3e}
  561. \begin{enumerate}
  562. \item Heat oven to 375°F. In small bowl, mix flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.
  563. \item In large bowl, beat softened butter and sugars with electric mixer on medium speed, or mix with spoon about 1 minute or until fluffy, scraping side of bowl occasionally.
  564. \item Beat in egg and vanilla until smooth. Stir in flour mixture just until blended (dough will be stiff). Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
  565. \item Onto ungreased cookie sheets, drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart.
  566. \item Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until light brown (centers will be soft). Cool 2 minutes; remove from cookie sheet to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 30 minutes. Store covered in airtight container.
  567. \end{enumerate}
  568. \subsection{Cocoa Pie}
  569. \label{sec:orgb07cb59}
  570. source: grandma's cookbook
  571. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  572. \label{sec:orgd78cef2}
  573. \begin{itemize}
  574. \item 1/3 cup cocoa
  575. \item 1 cup sugar
  576. \item 1/3 cup flour
  577. \item dash of salt
  578. \item 2 cups milk
  579. \item 1 tsp vanilla
  580. \item 2 egg yolks
  581. \item lump of butter
  582. \item baked pie shell
  583. \end{itemize}
  584. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  585. \label{sec:orga6ef682}
  586. \begin{enumerate}
  587. \item Combine cocoa, flour, sugar, and salt in top of double boiler.
  588. \item Stir in half of milk and cook until mixture is thick.
  589. \item Add egg yolks mixed with rest of milk and cook until thick.
  590. \item Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla.
  591. \item Pour into baked pie shell.
  592. \item Meringue:
  593. \begin{enumerate}
  594. \item Beat egg whites with a dash of salt until stiff.
  595. \item Gradually add 1/2 cup sugar and beat until shiny.
  596. \item Spread on pie and bake 10-15 minutes at 325F until golden brown.
  597. \end{enumerate}
  598. \end{enumerate}
  599. \subsection{Italian Anisette Cookies}
  600. \label{sec:orgc7258b9}
  601. source: \url{}, servings: 18, cook-time: 8 mins
  602. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  603. \label{sec:orgeedd252}
  604. \begin{itemize}
  605. \item 4 cups flour
  606. \item 1 cup white sugar
  607. \item 1/2 cup milk
  608. \item 2 eggs
  609. \item 1 tablespoon baking powder
  610. \item 3/4 cup vegetable oil
  611. \item 1 tablespoon anise extract
  612. \item 1 teaspoon anise extract
  613. \item 1 cup confectioners' sugar
  614. \item 2 tablespoons hot water
  615. \end{itemize}
  616. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  617. \label{sec:org08c126a}
  618. \begin{enumerate}
  619. \item Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  620. \item In large bowl, mix flour, baking powder and white sugar. Make a well in the center and add oil, milk, 1 tablespoon anise extract, and eggs. Mix together until dough is sticky.
  621. \item Oil fingers and pinch off dough in 1 inch pieces. Roll into a ball and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet, 1 inch apart, flatten top slightly. Bake for 8 minutes. Dip cookies in Icing while warm.
  622. \item To Make Icing: Blend in 1 teaspoon anise extract and enough hot water to 1 cup confectioner's sugar to form a smooth icing.
  623. \end{enumerate}
  624. \subsection{Jam Filled Butter Cookies}
  625. \label{sec:orgaf71f49}
  626. source: \url{}
  627. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  628. \label{sec:org4824360}
  629. \begin{itemize}
  630. \item 3/4 cup butter
  631. \item 1/2 cup sugar
  632. \item 2 egg yolks
  633. \item 1 3/4 cups flour
  634. \item 1/2 cup fruit preserves
  635. \end{itemize}
  636. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  637. \label{sec:org0ae355e}
  638. \begin{enumerate}
  639. \item Preheat oven to 375F.
  640. \item In a medium bowl, cream together the butter, white sugar and egg yolks.
  641. \item Mix in flour a little bit at a time until a soft dough forms.
  642. \item Roll dough into 1 inch balls. If dough is too soft, refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes.
  643. \item Place balls 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Use your finger or an instrument of similar size to make a well in the center of each cookie.
  644. \item Fill the hole with 1/2 teaspoon of preserves.
  645. \item Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden brown on the bottom. Remove from cookie sheets to cool on wire racks.
  646. \end{enumerate}
  647. \subsection{Lemon Custard Filling}
  648. \label{sec:org62ab80d}
  649. source: \url{}, servings: 12, prep-time: 20 mins, cook-time: 20 mins
  650. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  651. \label{sec:org0d1da3c}
  652. \begin{itemize}
  653. \item 1/2 cup white sugar
  654. \item 1/4 cup cornstarch
  655. \item 1/4 teaspoon salt
  656. \item 2 egg yolks
  657. \item 3/4 cup water
  658. \item 1/3 cup lemon juice
  659. \item 2 tablespoons butter
  660. \end{itemize}
  661. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  662. \label{sec:orgaac8416}
  663. \begin{enumerate}
  664. \item In a large saucepan or double boiler combine sugar, cornstarch and salt. Mix well.
  665. \item Beat the egg yolks and water together, then whisk into sugar mixture.
  666. \item Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is thickened.
  667. \item Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and butter.
  668. \item Cover with plastic wrap until completely cooled.
  669. \end{enumerate}
  670. \newpage
  671. \subsection{Habanero Donut Glaze}
  672. \label{sec:orgeae2a2a}
  673. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  674. \label{sec:orgece6715}
  675. \begin{itemize}
  676. \item 1 tablespoon habanero jam
  677. \item 1 tablespoon milk
  678. \item 1 cup powdered sugar
  679. \end{itemize}
  680. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  681. \label{sec:org94c470d}
  682. \begin{enumerate}
  683. \item Whisk ingredients together until smooth
  684. \end{enumerate}
  685. \subsection{Strawberry Donut Glaze}
  686. \label{sec:org646c16f}
  687. source: The Doughnut Cookbook by Williams-Sonoma Test Kitchen
  688. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  689. \label{sec:orgd810e30}
  690. \begin{itemize}
  691. \item 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
  692. \item 2 cups powdered sugar
  693. \end{itemize}
  694. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  695. \label{sec:orge703579}
  696. \begin{enumerate}
  697. \item Boil strawberries with a bit of water and crush, whisk until smooth.
  698. \item Whisk together half a cup of boiled down strawberries with two cups of powdered sugar.
  699. \end{enumerate}
  700. \subsection{Maple Donut Glaze}
  701. \label{sec:org55d258a}
  702. source: \url{}, servings: 1 cup., prep-time: 5 minutes, ready-in: 5 minutes
  703. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  704. \label{sec:org8551d7a}
  705. \begin{itemize}
  706. \item 2 cups confectioners' sugar
  707. \item 1 tablespoon milk
  708. \item 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  709. \end{itemize}
  710. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  711. \label{sec:org63aadc5}
  712. \begin{enumerate}
  713. \item In a small bowl, whisk all ingredients until smooth.
  714. \end{enumerate}
  715. \subsection{Snickerdoodles}
  716. \label{sec:org6104cf6}
  717. source: \url{}
  718. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  719. \label{sec:orge4f6d26}
  720. \begin{itemize}
  721. \item 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  722. \item 1 cup softened butter
  723. \item 2 eggs
  724. \item 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
  725. \item 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  726. \item 1 teaspoon baking soda
  727. \item 1/4 teaspoon salt
  728. \item 2 tablespoons white sugar
  729. \item 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  730. \end{itemize}
  731. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  732. \label{sec:org8b164c8}
  733. \begin{enumerate}
  734. \item Preheat oven to 400F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease.
  735. \item Beat 1 1/2 cups white sugar, butter, and eggs together in a bowl using an electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Combine flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl; stir into creamed butter mixture until dough holds together.
  736. \item Mix 2 tablespoons white sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl.
  737. \item Form dough into 2-teaspoon-size balls and roll in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Place dough balls, about 2 inches apart, on the prepared baking sheet.
  738. \item Bake in the preheated oven on the center rack for 7 minutes. Allow cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack.
  739. \end{enumerate}
  740. \section{Entrées}
  741. \label{sec:org650f4e8}
  742. \subsection{Ahi Ogo Poke}
  743. \label{sec:org34ec45c}
  744. source: \url{}
  745. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  746. \label{sec:org7c1b939}
  747. \begin{itemize}
  748. \item 1lb. quality Ahi tuna
  749. \item 1/8lb. ogo (seaweed)
  750. \item 1tsp. Hawaiian Alaea Salt
  751. \item 1tsp. Sesame seed oil
  752. \item 1tbls. Kukui Nut ground
  753. \end{itemize}
  754. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  755. \label{sec:orgfa8a9b7}
  756. \begin{enumerate}
  757. \item Roughly chop ogo and place in a bowl. Sweet onions also work.
  758. \item Cube ahi and add to bowl. Mix in rest of ingredients
  759. \end{enumerate}
  760. \subsection{Ginger Meat}
  761. \label{sec:orgdc1eb90}
  762. source: bema
  763. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  764. \label{sec:orgca8e447}
  765. \begin{itemize}
  766. \item Fresh ginger the size of palm
  767. \item 1 bulb garlic fresh
  768. \item Equal soy sauce and water
  769. \item Brown sugar to taste
  770. \end{itemize}
  771. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  772. \label{sec:org9a401d8}
  773. \begin{enumerate}
  774. \item Mince garlic, slice ginger, and mix with soy sauce and sugar.
  775. \item Marinate any meat for 3 to 4 days.
  776. \item Cook meat on grill.
  777. \end{enumerate}
  778. \subsection{Green Curry}
  779. \label{sec:orgffd8b7b}
  780. source: \url{}, servings: 3, prep-time: 5 minutes, cook-time: 15 minutes, ready-in: 20 minutes
  781. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  782. \label{sec:orgb4dad00}
  783. \begin{itemize}
  784. \item 1 1/2 tablespoons oil
  785. \item 2 tbsp green curry paste
  786. \item 8 oz. (226 g) chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces
  787. \item 1/2 cup coconut milk
  788. \item 1/2 cup water
  789. \item 4 oz. (115 g) bamboo shoot
  790. \item 5 kaffir lime leaves , lightly bruised
  791. \item 2 red chilies, cut into thick strips
  792. \item 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  793. \item 1/4 cup Thai basil leaves
  794. \end{itemize}
  795. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  796. \label{sec:orgf7cc1ea}
  797. \begin{enumerate}
  798. \item Heat up a pot over medium heat and add the oil. Saute the green curry paste until aromatic, add the chicken and stir to combine well with the curry paste. Add the coconut milk and water and bring it to a quick boil.
  799. \item Add the bamboo shoots, kaffir lime leaves, and red chilies. Lower the heat to simmer, cover the pot and let simmer for 10 minutes or until the curry slightly thickens.
  800. \item Add the fish sauce, sugar, and basil leaves. Stir to mix well. Turn off the heat and serve immediately with steamed rice.
  801. \end{enumerate}
  802. \subsection{Kalua Pork}
  803. \label{sec:orgfffb82a}
  804. source: \url{}, prep-time: 10 mins, cook-time: 12-17 hours
  805. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  806. \label{sec:org9a2a4e4}
  807. \begin{itemize}
  808. \item 1.5 tablespoons liquid smoke, Mesquite/Kiawe
  809. \item 7lb Pork Butt
  810. \item 1.5 Tbsp Hawaiian Alaea Salt
  811. \end{itemize}
  812. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  813. \label{sec:orgfa21b75}
  814. \begin{enumerate}
  815. \item Preheat oven to 195F for cooking 17.5 hours, or 225F for 12-14 hours.
  816. \item Place the pork in a 6 inch deep metal pan, fill half an inch deep with water. Put 1.5 tablespoons liquid smoke on top.
  817. \item Wrap in 3 layers of plastic wrap, then 2 layers of tinfoil. Make sure the plastic wrap does not touch the meat.
  818. \item Cook in oven for 16-17.5 hours. If you feel the pan getting lighter, it is losing moisture. Make sure it is fully sealed.
  819. \item Remove from oven and let the meat rest. As it rests, the plastic wrap will pull down onto the meat.
  820. \item Remove the plastic wrap. Add \textasciitilde{}1.5 tbsp Alaea salt and shred meat by hand into the juice.
  821. \end{enumerate}
  822. \subsection{Meatloaf}
  823. \label{sec:org16b2574}
  824. source: Kaleb
  825. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  826. \label{sec:org5dbec30}
  827. \begin{itemize}
  828. \item ¾ to 1 lb ground beef
  829. \item ¾ to 1 lb sweet Italian pork sausage
  830. \item 1 pkg Stove Top Savory Herb stuffing mix
  831. \item 1 packet Lipton Beefy Onion soup mix.
  832. \item 1 tablespoon Dash seasoning
  833. \item 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  834. \item 1 teaspoon MSG
  835. \item 1 packet (1 tsp) Herb-Ox sodium free beef boullion mix
  836. \item ½ teaspoon liquid smoke
  837. \item 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  838. \item 1 ½ teaspoon dried thyme
  839. \item 1 cup hot (not boiling) water
  840. \item 2 eggs
  841. \item 2 handfuls shredded cheese
  842. \item 1 tablespoon browning sauce
  843. \end{itemize}
  844. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  845. \label{sec:org38e743b}
  846. \begin{enumerate}
  847. \item Preheat oven to 350F.
  848. \item Combine hot water, bouillon mix, soup mix, liquid smoke, MSG, dash seasoning, thyme, pepper, and Worcestershire. Stir in stuffing mix until moistened, allow to rest five to ten minutes to soak through.
  849. \item Combine meats together until relatively homogenous.
  850. \item Add stuffing mixture, eggs, and cheese and combine until thoroughly mixed. Form into two loaves on a baking tray.
  851. \item Place in oven for 40 minutes.
  852. \item Remove from oven and brush on browning sauce.
  853. \item Return to oven for 15 minutes.
  854. \item Remove from oven and allow to cool for ten minutes before slicing and serving.
  855. \end{enumerate}
  856. \subsection{Mochiko Chicken}
  857. \label{sec:org8158e90}
  858. source: \url{}, servings: 6, prep-time: 4 hours, 10 minutes, cook-time: 10 minutes, ready-in: 4 hours, 20 minutes
  859. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  860. \label{sec:org9e693e8}
  861. \begin{itemize}
  862. \item 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs
  863. \item 1/4 cup potato starch
  864. \item 1/4 cup mochiko flour
  865. \item 1/4 cup shoyu
  866. \item 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  867. \item 1/4 cup green onions, thinly sliced
  868. \item 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  869. \item 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
  870. \item 1 teaspoon ginger, minced
  871. \item 1/2 teaspoon salt
  872. \item 2 eggs, beaten
  873. \item oil for frying
  874. \end{itemize}
  875. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  876. \label{sec:org1fa496c}
  877. \begin{enumerate}
  878. \item Cut the chicken thighs in to about 1 inch size cubes and set aside.
  879. \item In a large mixing bowl add potato starch, flour, shoyu, sugar, green onions, sesame seeds, garlic, ginger, salt, and eggs. Whisk to combine.
  880. \item Add cubed chicken to the sauce mixture. Stir to combine. Cover and place in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  881. \item In a large pan heat oil of choice to 325F. Place mochiko chicken in the oil and fry until golden brown on both sides and cooked through (internal temperature of 165F).
  882. \item Remove chicken from oil and place on a cooling rack over a cookie sheet or on to paper towels to absorb excess oil.
  883. \item ENJOY!
  884. \end{enumerate}
  885. \subsection{Peanut Butter Chicken}
  886. \label{sec:orgaa12401}
  887. source: \url{}, servings: 5, prep-time: 20 minutes, cook-time: 30 minutes
  888. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  889. \label{sec:org6790cef}
  890. \begin{itemize}
  891. \item 800g (1 3/4 pounds) chicken breast
  892. \item 1/2 cup (125g) peanut butter
  893. \item 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  894. \item 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  895. \item 2 tablespoons honey
  896. \item 1 cup (240ml) coconut milk/cream
  897. \item 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  898. \item 3 garlic cloves
  899. \item 1/2 teaspoon salt
  900. \item 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  901. \item 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  902. \item 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  903. \item 1/4 cup (37g) sesame seeds
  904. \end{itemize}
  905. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  906. \label{sec:org4b50e32}
  907. \begin{enumerate}
  908. \item Cut the chicken breast into small cubes.
  909. \item In a large bowl mix peanut butter, soy sauce, lemon juice, honey, coconut milk, grated ginger and grated garlic.
  910. \item In a large pan heat oil, add chicken cubes and cook for 5-6 minutes, until fully cooked. Season with salt, pepper and cumin. Add the peanut butter mixture, sesame seeds, stir well, cook for 4-5 minutes, until thickens.
  911. \item Serve with rice and chopped herbs.
  912. \end{enumerate}
  913. \subsection{Pizza}
  914. \label{sec:orga1bd769}
  915. source: Dough recipe from \url{}
  916. \subsubsection*{Dough}
  917. \label{sec:org4103d6f}
  918. \begin{itemize}
  919. \item 1/2 cup warm water
  920. \item 1/2 tsp sugar
  921. \item 1 tsp yeast
  922. \item 1 tsp olive oil
  923. \item 1/2 tsp salt
  924. \item 1 cup bread flour
  925. \end{itemize}
  926. \subsubsection*{Instructions}
  927. \label{sec:orgf0e2cca}
  928. \begin{enumerate}
  929. \item Mix warm water with yeast and sugar, leave for a few minutes to bloom.
  930. \item Add oil and salt, then mix in flour. Fold dough into ball, then move to an oiled container to ferment in the fridge for a day to a week.
  931. \item Remove dough from container and press into an oiled skillet. Go a bit up the edges of the pan to allow it to contract a bit as it rises for \textasciitilde{}30 minutes.
  932. \item Cook dough in skillet without any toppings or sauce until the bottom is browned as much as you like, usually a few minutes.
  933. \item Remove from heat and add sauce, cheese, and any other toppings. I used 1/3 cup of pasta sauce made with onions and tomatoes from the garden, mixed with a teaspoon of sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil. For the cheese, I used monterey jack, but low fat mozzarella would be less greasy.
  934. \item Cook under the broiler on high for 5-10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and browned.
  935. \item Carefully remove from pan and place on a cooling rack. Let it cool a few minutes before cutting into it.
  936. \end{enumerate}
  937. \subsection{Sesame Chicken}
  938. \label{sec:org41cff8f}
  939. source: \url{}
  940. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  941. \label{sec:orgabbb8df}
  942. \begin{itemize}
  943. \item 1 lb chicken thigh cut into 1.5 inches cubes
  944. \item 2 cloves of garlic
  945. \item black pepper to taste
  946. \item 1.5 tsp of soy sauce
  947. \item 1/2 tsp of salt
  948. \item 3/8 tsp of baking soda
  949. \item 1 egg white
  950. \item 0.5 tbsp of starch add it to the marinade
  951. \item 1 cup of Potato starch use it to coat the chicken
  952. \item 2 tbsp of Honey
  953. \item 3 tbsp of brown sugar
  954. \item 2.5 tbsp of Soy sauce
  955. \item 3 tbsp of water
  956. \item 2.5 tbsp of ketchup
  957. \item 1 tbsp of vinegar
  958. \item Potato starch water to thicken the sauce 2 tsp of potato starch mixed with 2 tsp of water
  959. \item 1 tbsp of sesame oil
  960. \item 1.5 tbsp of Toasted sesame seeds
  961. \item Diced scallion as garnish
  962. \end{itemize}
  963. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  964. \label{sec:org4f697d6}
  965. \begin{enumerate}
  966. \item Cut chicken into 1 inch cubes
  967. \item Marinate chicken with 1 tsp of grated garlic, 1.5 tsp of soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of salt, some black pepper to taste, 3/8 tsp of baking soda, 1 egg white, and 1/2 tbsp of starch. Mix until well combined. Cover and let sit for 40 mins
  968. \item Heat oil to 380F. Prepare starch on plate for dipping chicken
  969. \item Take each piece and cover in starch before placing it in the fryer.
  970. \item Fry each batch until golden, temperature should be 165F. Place on a paper towel or cooling rack.
  971. \item To make sauce, get a large bowel and add 3 tbsp of brown sugar, 2 tbsp of liquid honey, 2.5 tbsp of soy sauce, 2.5 tbsp of ketchup, 3 tbsp of water, 1 tbsp of vinegar.
  972. \end{enumerate}
  973. \subsection{Spam Fried Rice}
  974. \label{sec:orgf5730f8}
  975. source: yungmysterymane
  976. \subsubsection*{Ingredients:}
  977. \label{sec:org785fcfd}
  978. \begin{itemize}
  979. \item 1 cup of cooked rice, cooled
  980. \item 1 egg
  981. \item 2 slices of Spam (or 1 Spam Single)
  982. \item 3 tablespoons of rice grain oil
  983. \item 1 tablespoon of shoyu soy sauce
  984. \item 1 tablespoon of minced garlic
  985. \item 1 teaspoon of butter
  986. \item Ichimi togarashi (red pepper)
  987. \item salt
  988. \item cracked black pepper
  989. \item dried parsley
  990. \end{itemize}
  991. \subsubsection*{Directions:}
  992. \label{sec:org0503e66}
  993. \begin{enumerate}
  994. \item Fry spam in a pan until crip but not burned.
  995. \item Cut spam into small cubes and set aside.
  996. \item Put teaspoon of butter in pan and set to medium heat. Scramble egg and add black pepper, salt, red pepper, and parsley. Add to bowl with spam and cover with a paper towel.
  997. \item Add 3 tablespoons of rice grain oil to pan with minced garlic, salt, black pepper, parsley, and red pepper. Swirl in pan and cook garlic.
  998. \item Once garlic is golden brown, add tablespoon of shoyu, stir, and add rice.
  999. \item Cook rice until golden while stirring, then add spam and egg and continue to stir.
  1000. \end{enumerate}
  1001. \subsection{Spicy Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl}
  1002. \label{sec:orgb81d578}
  1003. source: \url{}, servings: 2 people, prep-time: 10 mins, ready-in: 10 mins
  1004. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1005. \label{sec:orgc75c098}
  1006. \begin{itemize}
  1007. \item 280 g ahi tuna (a little more than 1/2 lbs)
  1008. \item 20 g chopped onion (0.7oz)
  1009. \item 1 green onion
  1010. \item 1 clove garlic
  1011. \item 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  1012. \item 2 tsp Sriracha sauce
  1013. \item 1.5 tbsp soy sauce
  1014. \item 1 tsp salt
  1015. \item 2 tsp sesame oil
  1016. \item 1/2 tsp chili flakes
  1017. \item 1/2 avocado (optional)
  1018. \item sesame seeds
  1019. \item chopped green onion
  1020. \item 2 bowls cooked rice
  1021. \end{itemize}
  1022. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1023. \label{sec:orga6eba57}
  1024. \begin{enumerate}
  1025. \item Cook the rice according to instructions or in a rice cooker. (You can do this step later. It depends on how long you're going to marinate poke.)
  1026. \item Slice onion thinly then cut into 1/2 inch length. Cut green onions into thin slices.
  1027. \item Make spicy sauce by mixing mayonnaise and sriracha sauce and set aside.
  1028. \item Cut the ahi tuna into bite size pieces.
  1029. \item In a large bowl, put the ahi tuna, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, chili flakes, onions and green onions. Stir gently and combine.
  1030. \item Let it sit in the fridge for about 2 hours. (If you want to eat it right away, skip this step. )
  1031. \item Add the spicy sauce to the bowl and mix well. (You can add spicy sauce when you add all other seasonings too. )
  1032. \item Right before serving, slice the avocado.
  1033. \item Arrange your poke bowl with a scoop of rice, poke and avocado. Sprinkle sesame seeds and green onions on top.
  1034. \end{enumerate}
  1035. \subsection{Turkey Jook}
  1036. \label{sec:orgeccca75}
  1037. source: bema
  1038. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1039. \label{sec:org9cd3f17}
  1040. \begin{itemize}
  1041. \item 1/4 cup soy sauce
  1042. \item Turkey carcas
  1043. \item Celery
  1044. \item Onions
  1045. \item 1 cup rice
  1046. \item 8 cups water
  1047. \end{itemize}
  1048. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1049. \label{sec:org2977f2d}
  1050. \begin{enumerate}
  1051. \item Put turkey carcas in crock pot with water. Add celery, onions, soy sauce.
  1052. \item Cook 4-5 hours on low.
  1053. \item Remove bones and stir.
  1054. \item Add rice and cook for around 30-40 more minutes.
  1055. \end{enumerate}
  1056. \section{Sides}
  1057. \label{sec:org826b5d7}
  1058. \subsection{Blue Cheese Dressing}
  1059. \label{sec:orga50dc85}
  1060. source: \url{}, servings: 2 cups., prep-time: 5 minutes, ready-in: 5 minutes
  1061. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1062. \label{sec:orge371034}
  1063. \begin{itemize}
  1064. \item 1-1/2 cups mayonnaise
  1065. \item 1/2 cup sour cream
  1066. \item 1/4 cup cider vinegar
  1067. \item 4 teaspoons sugar
  1068. \item 1/2 teaspoon ground mustard
  1069. \item 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  1070. \item 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  1071. \item 1 cup (4 ounces) crumbled blue cheese
  1072. \end{itemize}
  1073. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1074. \label{sec:org4e1317f}
  1075. \begin{enumerate}
  1076. \item In a bowl, combine the first seven ingredients.
  1077. \item Stir in the blue cheese.
  1078. \item Cover and chill at least 2 hours. Store in the refrigerator.
  1079. \end{enumerate}
  1080. \subsection{Chicken Enchalada Soup}
  1081. \label{sec:orgc441806}
  1082. source: copy kat recipes, Makes 1 1/2 gallons or 16-20 servings.
  1083. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1084. \label{sec:orgd8c7288}
  1085. \begin{itemize}
  1086. \item 1/2 c. Vegetable oil
  1087. \item 1/4 c. Chicken base
  1088. \item 3 c. Diced Yellow onions
  1089. \item 2 tsp. ground Cumin
  1090. \item 2 tsp. Chili powder
  1091. \item 2 tsp. granulated garlic
  1092. \item 1/2 tsp. Cayenne pepper
  1093. \item 2 c. Masa Harina
  1094. \item 4 quarts Water divided
  1095. \item 2 c. crushed Tomatoes
  1096. \item 1/2 lb. processed American cheese, cut in small cubes
  1097. \item 3 lb. cooked, cubed chicken
  1098. \end{itemize}
  1099. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1100. \label{sec:orgbf238b4}
  1101. \begin{enumerate}
  1102. \item In a large pot, place oil, chicken base, onion and spices. Saute until onions are soft and clear, about 5 minutes.
  1103. \item In another container, combine masa Harina with 1 quart water. Stir until all lumps dissolve. Add to sauteed onions and bring to a boil.
  1104. \item Once mixture starts to bubble, continue cooking 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. This will eliminate any raw taste from Masa Harina.
  1105. \item Add remaining 3 quarts water to pot. Add tomatoes; let mixture return to boil stirring occasionally.
  1106. \item Add cheese to soup. Cook stirring occasionally, until cheese melts.
  1107. \item Add chicken; heat through.
  1108. \item Pico de Gallo: Combine Diced tomatoes, Diced seeded fresh jalapenos, Chopped red onion, Chopped fresh cilantro, and toss with lemon juice. Allow to marinate for at least a few hours, drain off juice before serving.
  1109. \end{enumerate}
  1110. \subsection{Cream Tuna}
  1111. \label{sec:org416c88d}
  1112. source: bema
  1113. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1114. \label{sec:org00b5d8b}
  1115. \begin{itemize}
  1116. \item 1 onion
  1117. \item Family pouch tuna
  1118. \item Small can peas
  1119. \item 1 can Milk
  1120. \end{itemize}
  1121. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1122. \label{sec:org72d86fd}
  1123. \begin{enumerate}
  1124. \item Chop up onion and brown.
  1125. \item Mix in tuna, peas, and milk.
  1126. \item Cook on stove for 5 minutes.
  1127. \end{enumerate}
  1128. \subsection{Garlic Aioli}
  1129. \label{sec:org033d1ab}
  1130. source: \url{}, servings: 8, prep-time: 10 mins
  1131. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1132. \label{sec:org74cc30f}
  1133. \begin{itemize}
  1134. \item 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  1135. \item 3 cloves garlic, minced
  1136. \item 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
  1137. \item 3/4 teaspoon salt
  1138. \item 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  1139. \end{itemize}
  1140. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1141. \label{sec:orgb995a31}
  1142. \begin{enumerate}
  1143. \item Mix mayonnaise, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.
  1144. \end{enumerate}
  1145. \subsection{Macaroni Salad}
  1146. \label{sec:org5b2fff0}
  1147. source: bema
  1148. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1149. \label{sec:org69637af}
  1150. \begin{itemize}
  1151. \item 1/2 box macaroni
  1152. \item Small pouch tuna
  1153. \item 3 boiled eggs
  1154. \item Small can peas
  1155. \item 2 or 3 stalks of celery
  1156. \item Mayonnaise
  1157. \item Black pepper
  1158. \end{itemize}
  1159. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1160. \label{sec:orgad02a2d}
  1161. \begin{enumerate}
  1162. \item Cook macaroni
  1163. \item Mix in bowl and chil
  1164. \end{enumerate}
  1165. \subsection{Onion Rings}
  1166. \label{sec:orgdad09e3}
  1167. source: \url{}
  1168. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1169. \label{sec:org4046e34}
  1170. \begin{itemize}
  1171. \item 2 eggs
  1172. \item 1 cup milk
  1173. \item 1 cup all-purpose flour
  1174. \item 2 teaspoons baking powder
  1175. \item 2 teaspoons onion salt
  1176. \item 1 quart vegetable oil for frying
  1177. \item 4 large onions, peeled and sliced into rings
  1178. \end{itemize}
  1179. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1180. \label{sec:org71fa794}
  1181. \begin{enumerate}
  1182. \item Whisk together eggs, milk, flour, baking powder, and onion salt in a bowl to make a smooth batter.
  1183. \item Heat the oil in a large saucepan or deep fryer until a thermometer reads 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  1184. \item Dip the onion rings evenly into the batter, then fry in the oil for 2 to 3 minutes, working in batches if necessary, until the onion rings are golden brown. With a slotted spoon, remove the onion rings to paper towels to drain. Serve hot.
  1185. \end{enumerate}
  1186. \subsection{Sally Lunn Buns}
  1187. \label{sec:org990e37d}
  1188. source: Tasting History, \url{}
  1189. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1190. \label{sec:orgddcc353}
  1191. \begin{itemize}
  1192. \item 1 1/4cup (280ml) whole milk
  1193. \item 6 tablespoons (85g) of butter at room temperature
  1194. \item 1/4 cup (50g) sugar
  1195. \item 3 3/4 cup (450g) of bread flour (or all purpose)
  1196. \item 7g instant yeast or active dry yeast.
  1197. \item 2 eggs (Plus an extra egg for the egg wash)
  1198. \item The zest of 1 lemon
  1199. \item 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
  1200. \item 2-3 saffron threads (optional; for color only)
  1201. \end{itemize}
  1202. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1203. \label{sec:org9609cf8}
  1204. \begin{enumerate}
  1205. \item Warm milk to 90-110F, add yeast. Mix in sugar and butter.
  1206. \item Sift flour into mixer. Add starter, lemon zest, eggs, and salt. Work dough until sticky, around 8 minutes in a mixer.
  1207. \item Cover and rise 60-90 minutes or until doubled.
  1208. \item Punch down on a lightly floured surface, split into 3 or 6 pieces. Shape into balls and place on a baking sheet. Cover and rise for 45-60 minutes.
  1209. \item Preheat oven to 400F, make egg wash with an egg and a tablespoon of water. Brush onto buns.
  1210. \item Bake for 15 minutes, or until the internal temperature is 190-200F.
  1211. \end{enumerate}
  1212. \subsection{Spicy Cheese Bread}
  1213. \label{sec:orgd52f8d8}
  1214. source: \url{}
  1215. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1216. \label{sec:orgd75c8c1}
  1217. \begin{itemize}
  1218. \item 3 1/4 cups flour
  1219. \item 1/4 cup sugar
  1220. \item 1 tablespoon instant yeast
  1221. \item 1 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
  1222. \item 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  1223. \item 1/2 cup warm water or milk
  1224. \item 2 eggs + 3 yolks, 1 egg for wash
  1225. \item 1 stick butter for dough
  1226. \item 8oz Monterey Jack, cubed
  1227. \item 8oz Provolone, cubed
  1228. \item 1 teaspoon pepper flakes for topping
  1229. \item 1 tablespoon butter to brush
  1230. \end{itemize}
  1231. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1232. \label{sec:org05bce7d}
  1233. \begin{enumerate}
  1234. \item Mix dry dough ingredients in bowl. Combine warm water, eggs, yolk, and butter. Add egg mixture to flour and knead for 4-8 minutes in mixer.
  1235. \item Shape into ball and move to greased bowl. Let rise for 1.5-2 hours.
  1236. \item Grease 9 inch cake pan, or two smaller pans to split into smaller loaves.
  1237. \item Roll dough to 18x12" rectangle on unfloured surface. Distribute cheese evenly and roll into a log \textasciitilde{}30 inches long.
  1238. \item Wind into coil on cake pan and tuck end underneath, let rise for 1-1.5 hours.
  1239. \item Preheat oven to 350F.
  1240. \item Brush loaf with egg wash, sprinkle on pepper flakes. Bake around 25 minutes until golden brown. Rotate loaf and tent with foil, cook for another 25 minutes until internal temperature is 190F.
  1241. \item Move to wire rack and brush with butter.
  1242. \end{enumerate}
  1243. \subsection{Yeast Rolls}
  1244. \label{sec:org1ecb4f9}
  1245. source: grandma's cookbook, prep-time: 10 minutes, cook-time: 1 hour
  1246. \subsubsection*{Ingredients}
  1247. \label{sec:orgd5b3de2}
  1248. \begin{itemize}
  1249. \item 1 package dry yeast
  1250. \item 2 cups warm water
  1251. \item 1/4 cup sugar
  1252. \item 3/4 cup oil
  1253. \item 1 egg
  1254. \item 6 cups self rising flour
  1255. \end{itemize}
  1256. \subsubsection*{Directions}
  1257. \label{sec:org65a4bf1}
  1258. \begin{enumerate}
  1259. \item In a large mixing bowl, mix yeast in 2 cups warm water. Let stand for 10 minutes.
  1260. \item Add sugar, eggs, and oil then mix. Add flour and stir well.
  1261. \item Cover and place in refrigerator for at least half a day. Dough will keep for around a week.
  1262. \item Spoon dough into muffin tins and let rise at room temperature for around an hour.
  1263. \item Bake at 350F until brown.
  1264. \end{enumerate}
  1265. \end{multicols*}
  1266. \end{document}